Stephanie is a motivated teen who is interested in promoting mental health in the world. She is most passionate about helping patients diagnosed with mental disorders to have more hope.
The Story
Stephanie is a motivated teen who is interested in promoting mental health in the world. She is most passionate about helping patients diagnosed with mental disorders to have more hope.
Growing up, Stephanie has traveled to over twenty countries. She received education in a traditional Chinese, American, and international school. This gives her the ability to be resilient and look at the world from an expansive point of view.
In terms of academics, she is heavily interested in math, and participated in many math competitions at a young age, including AMC and HiMcM. In 2023, she qualified for AIME. When it comes to her passions and extracurriculars, Stephanie is an active participant in her school’s DECA, Yearbook club, and is the founder and student advisor of Art Club. Outside of school, she is engaged in a speech club named Citizens for Better Community Gavel Club. She also participates in a lot of national-level table tennis tournaments, such as US Open and US Nationals. and received many awards. At her past school, Concordia International School Shanghai, she became the MVP for her varsity table tennis team in seventh grade.
Looking ahead, Stephanie hopes to attend a Great University to enhance her networking and challenge her boundaries. For her career, she wants to pursue a job in quantitative finance, combining her interest for math and economics. In the long run, when settled down, she hopes to make a start-up regarding mental health for youths.