Yiwen Molly Mao is an analytical and conscientious secondary student with an interest in science and cutting-edge technology. Yiwen enjoys pursuing knowledge, regardless of the subject.
The Story
Growing up, Yiwen was always very reflective and open-minded, even at a young age. Yiwen vividly remembers an incident more than a decade ago, which had a large impact on shaping who she is. When she was visiting a friend’s house, she took something that wasn’t hers – a little seashell turtle – because it was interesting. When Yiwen returned home, she realized that the action was not right and, being a 3-year-old toddler, began to cry. This event laid the foundation for Yiwen’s reflectiveness and conscientiousness. Fast forward to the pandemic; with the world in lockdown, Yiwen had more time to think than ever. When she met a friend who she had not seen since before the pandemic, the friend described Yiwen’s change: “It’s like you ate a book of reason and rationality.” Yiwen’s life experiences shaped her to be someone who thinks logically and actively reflects on her own actions.
To pursue her interdisciplinary interests, Yiwen enjoys studying a variety of subjects in school, such as the sciences, math, and history. She actively participates in the programming and UNICEF clubs and is on the school’s junior badminton team for mixed doubles. Yiwen plans to start a youth first aid organization to spread awareness about the importance of first aid knowledge, to provide youth with first aid learning resources across Canada, and to fundraise for the cause. Outside of school, Yiwen enjoys playing the piano, competitive fencing and drawing.
Looking ahead, Yiwen aims to employ an interdisciplinary approach during university with a focus on the areas of technology and biology, and to become a computational biologist after graduation and create impact in developing technology for the intention of human benefit.