Lenny Kinaro is a young man driven by his evident thirst for knowledge in the world of finance and economics, especially within the world of policy. This has prompted him to lead his school economics society, while often competing in international economics essay competitions in pursuit of global recognition.
The Story
Being born and raised in Kenya’s capital, Nairobi, Lenny has long seen his ability to have an education abroad as a great privilege that few from his nation have the pleasure of experiencing. This has since driven him, alongside two of his close peers, to start Nguvu, meaning strength in his mother-tongue Swahili. This charity seeks to provide the differently abled community with the courage and tools they require to survive, thrive, and live a fruitful life. Over the last few years, Nguvu has grown and worked alongside Karatina Special School, doubling its total capacity. The organisation has no plans of slowing down, as he and his team aim to further expand Nguvu’s impacts across the region of Karatina through further funding rounds. Ultimately, Lenny hopes this can create a blueprint for other youth in the region to replicate and scale impact for the target community.
Outside of his charitable endeavours, Lenny boasts an extensive thirst for knowledge in the fields of Finance and Economics. This is evident through his ongoing participation in his school’s economics society, Ostrom Society, named after pioneer Eleanor Ostrom. While conventionally, students join and write for the society’s publication in Year 12, Lenny wrote his first essay for the publication in Year 10, for which his headmaster awarded him with a distinction. Lenny has since been a frequent writer for the society, even recently stepping up to lead the society alongside one of his peers.
Lenny’s interest for Finance and Economics proceeds far beyond the borders off the classroom, having competed in two prestigious essay competitions over his Christmas break, one of which being the Harvard International Economics Essay Contest and the other being held by the UK’s Institute of Economics. Lenny is hoping to be commended for both of the following. In the large majority of Lenny’s economics essays he writes outside the classroom, the recurring theme tends to remain, as he always makes the effort of linking Kenya into his essays at the bare minimum if Kenya is not the main theme.
Looking ahead, Lenny wishes to craft his own path towards a career interlinking finance, entrepreneurship and social impact, and create a thriving ecosystem where he himself as well as his peers, can collectively achieve success in their own rights.