Junxi Liu, or Josh Liu, is an extremely talkative person and also very much a thinker, he is fond of Biochemistry and he wishes to study Biochemistry in university and further on in his life. He also loves watching football (soccer) and plays a lot of rugby.
The Story
At the age of 11, Josh arrived in the UK with barely any English skills, the most complex sentence he knew at the time was ‘where is the toilet’, he found it extremely difficult to adapt himself into his new school ‘Portland Place School’; he would almost cry every night because of how much he felt left out. As time went on, Josh started studying English vocab and grammar on a daily basis while all his other friends played Fortnite. After a year and a half, Josh could speak English fluently and got into the best IB school in the UK and one of the most prestigious IB schools in the world-‘Sevenoaks School’. From this experience, he endured hardship and learned about hard work.
Currently, Josh is a Year 11 (grade 10) student in Sevenoaks school and is studying for the IGSCEs, he is also doing different online courses such as ‘Bioethics HarvardX’ and has done ‘Cell Biology: Mitochondria’ while studying Chemistry further online. Josh is fluent in both Mandarin and English. He is a part of the U16 A team rugby and also the leader of the school dissection club, he helps different pupils from the middle school with biology extension and dissection of different animal organs and tissues. Josh aims to start his own Biochemistry club, and become a senior prefect in Year 12.
Josh wishes to attend a top ivy university and also Stanford, MIT etc, since he is always willing to pursue more valuable and professional knowledge as well as meeting smart, intellectual and people from all backgrounds which he thinks would be super beneficial to his future. After he graduates, he wishes to enter research on cancer or start his own Biotech/Biochem company.