Based in Zurich, Switzerland, Giulio Sergnese is an ambitious young man with passions for mathematics, economics, and sports. He believes that the economy can teach people how to observe and understand world issues, through the use of math. Sports are also crucial to keep a healthy mind and body to adapt. In the long term, Giulio hopes to become an international entrepreneur in order to develop smarter and more sustainable infrastructures in emerging economies.
The Story
Growing up, A Little Prince was his favorite story as it taught him that every little achievement is meaningful, and that it is one step further into achieving one’s goals and developing the best version of oneself. He has often changed school and living environments and had the opportunity to meet new people from all around the world, which has shaped him to become a very open minded and malleable individual. He believes that internationality and foreign culture knowledge will be key for him in life as an adult. He thinks these ideals will be valued in the USA.
To pursue both professional and personal development, Giulio is undertaking an interdisciplinary approach in his academics. His subjects range from economics, mathematics and biology to English, art and music history and more. He is also learning both German and Spanish. Outside of school, he keeps him physically active through football, swimming, tennis and skiing. He is enrolled in the Duke of Edinburgh program, volunteers as a tutor and is a member of the journalism and UKMT clubs. In his space time, he enjoys reading novels, particularly in the dystopian category, and also keeps it light through comics. He has also taken engineering and technology related courses at Yale University to learn how to better co-design the future as an aspiring young innovator and entrepreneur.
On a personal note, he has always acted as a metaphorical bridge between friendships, and wants to transmit this meaning to his peers and elderly. He believes that having trustworthy companions is critical for making the world a better place.
Looking ahead, Giulio would like to attend a great university because he is certain that it will help him improve on himself and his specific interests. He believes that what makes a great school „great“ is not only the academics, but also how it helps one become a person that can actively contribute towards the improvement of the world. As for his career, he wants to build his own portfolio of businesses and make sure that it somehow has an impact on the people around him for the better.