Emily Yu is a compassionate student interested in literature and international relations. Heavily involved with positively impacting her local community, she volunteers often with her Chinese community center, Reading Partners, and the Dallas branch of Isla Urbana—an organization dedicated to safe water access in Mexico.
The Story
In exploring her passions, Emily has thoroughly studied several courses including International Human Rights Law at Columbia University Summer Program, Abnormal Psychology and Criminal Justice at Boston University Summer Program, and both AP English Literature and AP English Language. Through these courses, Emily has deepened her appreciation for the humanities and their global applications, hoping to help others.
Living in Dallas, Texas, Emily is constantly surrounded by change; through the bustle of the city, she notices its effect on the people. Sometimes a road under construction, for example, is enough to fade away the humanity of other people as frustrated drivers cut others off and swerve around so they can get to where they want, but Emily Yu cares about the other drivers, and she believes everyone should.
She is the Founder of X. Recognizing that a general growing amount of apathy in the population is the leading cause of economic and social imbalances, the organization is committed to raise awareness, conduct research and design actionable plans for youth. These three steps collectively will help youth rethink, reflect and redesign their connections with their emotions, and foster a more sustainable world. In particular, the organization aims to spotlight the exponential impact faced by marginalized communities due to these imbalances, and present ways to arrest them at inception.
Looking ahead, Emily aims to pursue an interdisciplinary approach in creating real world change and impact in the areas of climate change, healthcare and global diplomacy, and leave a better future for generations to come.